The inner Psycho – you know what I’m talking about….
Sadly, this is something I can relate to. It’s when all rationality goes out the window, and the emotion is rife. You are consumed with unanswered questions and really struggling to understand you have gone from ‘hero to zero’ overnight.
The thing that hurt the most was the lack of empathy.Someone you shared the innermost intimate moments with, your forever person, all of a sudden shuts the door in your face and is busy making dinner for someone else (yep, true story!).
I joined the Psycho Club
The hurt is a real physical pain. For me, it was just at the bottom of my rib cage. It felt so deep, and I never ever thought I was going to get over it. I had friends tell me ‘call me, don’t call him’, but they couldn’t provide me with the answers I wanted. However, they were right. All contacting him did was cause me more pain; I made him repeat the same answer over and over as it was something I just couldn’t accept.
From turning up unannounced to calling his work… It’s safe to say I earnt my membership at the Psycho Club—and all I’m saying is it’s not a good look.
Don’t message them
We all deal with grief in our own ways, and some may never want to speak to their other half again. But many of us just can’t do that or cope with the lack of communication. It is so hard, and I am here to help you heal.
The only person who you hurt when they have split up with you is yourself. Hearing that from your sister or best friend sometimes isn’t enough. I’m sure you just want someone to feel your pain and empathise with your reasoning why you wish to contact them. I was there, and I learnt it the excruciatingly painful way.
I struggled to find anything/anyone online who could relate to what I was going through—hence why I created The Blue Ticks.To help people like you, to ‘get it’, and to advise that anything is better than messaging them—be ittaking a shower, baking, going for a walk, calling a friend, shopping, cooking, or just throwing your phone to the other side of the room. For now, at least; they need time and space.
For more information on why this will benefit you, please visit my No Contact Rule page.