This area really depends whether you are the doer of this kind of behaviour or the receiver.
Breadcrumb – A meaningless text message or email from someone you have either been seeing or your ex, sent just to get your attention but carrying no actual meaning.
Ghosting – When a person cuts off all communication with their friends or the person they’re dating, with zero warning or notice before hand.
Doers – Do not do this! It causes so much anxiety, more than you know. Leaving someone on ‘the blue ticks’ is just something that causes someone to question you, and your relationship which makes them feel really paranoid and anxious. Be mature, pick up the phone, respond and if you’re not feeling it, that’s ok, just tell them!
We live in a society today where we hide behind our phones and I would like to introduce a new term, known as ‘phonaphobia;’ aka the phobia of being without our phones. Social media is amazing, however, the amount of anxiety and worry it causes is already on a serious level and unfortunately on the rise. So these terms have arisen because rather than owning it, being mature and saying ‘I’m really sorry I can’t be the person you want me to be’ or ‘I am really sorry but I don’t feel the spark with you’ (preferably before any intimacy!), ignoring, disappearing or, ghosting seems to be the passive, easier option. And remember, its all about being someone’s priority…
If you are on the receiving end of this, it is ok and you are 100% not on your own. You are one of many who experience this. Of course you should be upset, it’ssomeone’s rude way of either stringing you along or ignoring you. Either way, please do not fall for their flaky once in a blue moon message, check in or think you have done something wrong. There’s no easy way to say it, they aren’t interested. Click onto the no contact rule if you want them back or you just want to get over them.
If you have any more questions specifically regarding your position please do contact me in the Just ask Laura section.